Sunday, March 28, 2010

New restaurant coming

Teresa and I attended the Arrowhead Professional Chefs Assoc. annual Chef's Club Brunch at the DECC this morning and it was excellent! We were seated with some very nice folks at our table and one of them was a chef named Gary Snyder. We struck up a conversation and he told us his background and previous job here in Duluth. I asked what he was doing now and he said he was about to open a new restaurant in West Duluth at the site of a current restaurant that has been for sale for a while now. I won't say which one just yet because the employees of that place haven't been told yet that it has been sold.
Gary told us that he intends to make it a "comfort food" restaurant with things like good pot roast and meatloaf and Lamb shanks, things like that. He likened it to your kid coming home from a long time away at college and making the best meal he or she has ever had at home.
I liked the sound of that and personally I can't wait. From the sound of his background It will be very good. He said he wanted to avoid making it too "fru-fru" as his friends call gourmet stuff, but still excellent quality.
He asked us where we liked to eat and we told him some of our favorites. we all remarked that none of the places were in the city of Duluth. I told him we have been looking for just what he will be offering because it doesn't exist here yet; at least we haven't found it yet. He said his target opening is June 1st.
I'll certainly give you the whole scoop as soon as he's open.

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